Global Water Technology, Inc. believes in supplying a customized equipment solution for each client. In order to deliver that, GWT has access to every major chemical feed and control equipment manufacturer. This approach allows our clients to maintain flexibility, budgets, and ownership of the equipment in their facility.

Chemical feed controllers are the core of most water treatment program.
Proper selection of the right combination of manufacturer, features, and accessories are necessary for the proper maintenance of heating, cooling, process water, or waste water systems. GWT control system features and options include:
- Continuous monitoring of pH, ORP, Conductivity, Corrosion, Halogen, Trace Chemistry, and More
- Multi-System capabilities
- Customized flow and pre-mount designs
- Communication: Cellular, BACNet, Cat5, and More
Notable Manufacturers:

Selecting the right chemical feed pump ensures consistent and precise application of water treatment chemistry. GWT’s offering of name brand pumping equipment allows for selection of the best pumps for each unique client application and treatment product.
Notable Manufacturers:

Properly functioning and designed chemical pot feeders and bromine feeders are invaluable to a facility’s consistent and safe application of water treatment chemistry to their utility water systems.
Notable Manufacturers:

Particulate and contaminant removal from process systems is almost as important as the right water chemistry balance. Do not forget about the filtration or solid removal aspect of a water treatment program. Contact GWT to discuss a customized equipment selection for your unique application.
Notable Manufacturers:

Corrosion coupon racks are a crucial validation point of any viable water treatment program. GWT offers standard and customized racks to meet any system design demand.
Notable Manufacturers:

Consistent on-site validation of water chemistry can be quickly and accurately accomplished with the right test meters, kits, and equipment. Discuss what equipment might offer increased safety and time management at your facility with a GWT representative today.
Notable Manufacturers:

Global Water Technology, Inc. has access to all water treatment related equipment. Allowing for an affordable one-stop-shop approach to water management for your busy facility staff. Some of these items include:
- Water Meters
- Solenoid and Motorized Ball Valves
- Sample Coolers
- Glycol Feed Tanks
- Liquid Level Switches
- Mixers and Agitators
- FLotrackers
- Stands and shelves
Notable Manufacturers:

Global Water Technology, Inc. has access to a full line of chemical storage equipment including dual walled tanks, single walled tanks, spill decks, spill pallets, and more. Please speak to a GWT Representative to determine what type of safety equipment might be right for your facility today.
Notable Manufacturers:

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Why Choose GWT?
- Minority Owned
- Environmentally Responsible
- Cost Conscious
- Service-Driven
- Technical Expertise
- Progressive Approach